Meenakshi Ammal Arts & Science College

Meenakshi Ammal Arts & Science College (MAASC) stands high as a legacy of 20 years old Educational Group is a nascent dream and great vision of Meenakshi Ammal Trust. Amazing leaps in pedagogy and technology at the College have created new paradigms for students to face the challenges of tomorrow by maximizing the learning cycle. The College is known for continuously embracing changes for producing better results every subsequent year in terms of academic results and placements offerings. The College has gone through metamorphic infrastructural developments, construction of new College building and increased intake of students.

Today, the change is so rapid that the education system has to keep itself abreast of the latest developments in industries across the globe. With greater awareness, excellent education and effective change MAASC continues to accelerate to meet the pace of change in the business landscape.

We congratulate the meticulous team at MAASC for spending considerable time on discreetly preparing, planning, training and building the new ways of educating the youth of our nation for sustainable development.

To be a leading institution that nurtures intellectual growth, fosters innovation, and instills ethical values, preparing students to excel in a dynamic global society.

Our mission is to provide a transformative educational experience through a rigorous and inclusive curriculum, cutting-edge research opportunities, and holistic development.


All the students whose names are on the rolls automatically become bonafide students of the college.


All the bonafide students will be issued identity (ID) cards as per the prevailing norms. It is mandatory that the students should keep the ID card with them. Wherever and whenever necessary on demand the student must produce the ID cards which they will be charged fine of Rs.5.00. Loss of ID cards should be reported to the college authorities and suitable alternate arrangements will be made to provide new/duplicate ID card at their own cost. The security staff will not permit any student inside the campus without their identity card.


Ten Important Instructions to The Students

  • Students should avoid usage of polythene / plastic products in the college campus.
  • Students are strictly forbidden from collection of money, Material, matter or subscription involving money for any purpose, without written permission of the principal.
  • Students should not bring and of distribute among themselves any kind of food items or estables, sweets etc. without the permission of the Principal. 14. Students should not celebrate any function or any event or any message within the classroom or in the college campus. They should not hold any kind of meeting or assembly within the college campus without the prior permission of the Principal. Violation of these rules will be dealt with severely.
  • Students should not circulate any kind of notice, hand bills or materials of the nature of advertisement.
  • Students are not allowed to bring any outsiders to the college premises.
  • RAGGING IN ANY FORM is strictly prohibited. It is all so clearly informed that Ragging is banned by the Government of Tamilnadu. As such any student involved in ragging will be expelled immediately not only from the college, further the student involved will be handedover to the Police for appropriate action.
  • Usage of cell phone and FM is prohibited in the college campus,failing this willface tofine ofRupeesTwo Hundred, the instrument will be seized and will not be given back.
  • Smoking and consumption of pan is prohibited inside the campus.


Students shall not absent themselves from the classes without valid reason. They will have to submit leave letter properly, if they are absent for more than three days continuously they will have to explain the cause evidence by producing medical certificate.


Students with lack of attendance will not be permitted by the University of Madras to appear for the University examinations. Payment of examination fees cannot be taken as a guarantee to write the examinations. 24. Students should attend all the cyclic examinations. If they are absent for the exam or show poor performance continuously, they will not be allowed to appear for the university examination in the subject concerned.

University examinations results will be announced on the notice board. It is the responsibility of the students to find out the results by themselves. They will not be individually intimated.

Students have no receive the university mark sheet / provisional certificates within 15 days from the date of receipt from the university. There after holding change will be collected at the time of rupee ten (Rs. 10/-) per day.

Certificate will be issued only to the candidate official transactions, cash transactions, or issue of any kind of certificates will not be entertained after 3.00 pm on all working days.