Meenakshi Ammal Arts & Science College


Managing Trustee


Managing Trustee

Meenakshi Ammal Trust is one of the pioneer organization functioning from the city of Chennai. The trust was started by the family of Thiru. A.N. Radhakrishnan, M.A., D.Com., Tmt. Meenakshi Ammal is the founder chairperson of the trust. Her daughter Tmt. Gomathi is the Correspondent and Thiru. A.N. Radhakrishnan is the Managing Trustee. The Meenakshmi Ammal Trust is very generous in promoting higher education in rural areas. The earnest and industrious efforts and the munificent outlook of the Managing Trustee were responsible for the promotion of Technical, Medical, Arts and Science education in the backward areas with an aim to provide higher education especially for the weaker sections of the society. Under the management of the Meenakshi Ammal Trust a number of eductional institutions covering the faculty of Engineering and Technology Medical, Dental, Polytechnic, m, Catering Technology, Training Institute were started at various locations in Chennai, Mangadu, Kancheepuram and Uthiramerur at different times during the past twenty years. For over two decades the Meenakshi Ammal Trust has been rendering valuables service in the field of Education. 

The Meenakshi Ammal Arts & Science College was started as a women college during the academic year 2001-2002 with the approval of the Tamil Nadu Government (vide G.O. MS No. 97 dated 14.03.2001) and with affiliation to the University of Madras. Later it was converted into a co-education college (vide G.O. MS No. 146 dated 11.05.2006) The College is located at Malliankarani Road, Uthiramerur Taluk, Kancheepuram District. It is situated on the main road. It is a self-financing minority college functioning under the management of the Meenakshi Ammal Trust Chennai. This College was started with the aim of providing higher education to the women student population of this rural area, now extended to men students also. The college is housed in a spacious building with all amenities in a vast campus of about 15 acres of land. The Management of the college is very generous in fixing the tution fee at a fairly concessional rate in order to help the weaker sections also. It offers employment oriented courses of study as B.Sc., CS, Phy., Maths, B.C.A and B.Com., B.B.A., And M.Com., NSS, Red Ribbon Club and Youth Red Cross activities are encouraged.