Meenakshi Ammal Arts & Science College

The success of a person rests in his or her ability to adapt, innovate, experiment and rejoice. Never in the history of mankind have efforts and hard work gone unrewarded. The sheer color and fun of youth in Meenakshi Ammal Arts and Science College can transform even the gloomiest person into an energetic human being.

Nothing is permanent but change is sure to happen. What went past us gives us lessons to learn, what seems to come in future offers hopes and wishes but what happens now is our actions. We, at Meenakshi Ammal Arts and Science College, strive to take the best actions, based on past experiences and future vision.  I am sure, the collective spirit and untiring efforts of the students and faculty of the college under the umbrella of the Hon’ble Meenakshi Ammal Trust would definitely overcome hurdles and hindrances on the way and would not let go of the beautiful present and a wonderful future but of course always banking and standing on the solid foundations of the past.


Principal, Meenakshi Ammal Arts and Science College.

Dr. G. DHANASEKARAN, MBA., MMM., M.Phil., Ph.D., PGDCA ., is the Principal of Meenakshi Ammal Arts and Science College, wish the prospective learners to make use of the opportunity made available by MAASCto enrich their knowledge and skill in the chosen field for their individual development and for the development of nation.

The College provides every Student a stimulating learning atmosphere and best teaching to bring out the suppressed potential. Our College has the reputation for excellence in academic, sports and cultural pursuits. The college has many professional bodies/clubs, which help the student to exhibit their talents in the field of their choice such as Yoga, RRC, YRC, Kung Fu and NSS. At campus, each student feels an exciting and precise educational experience designed severally with an advanced modern technology in teaching to grow and to become Caring, Thoughtful, Honorable, Well-balanced women personally and socially. They will have the lot of opportunities to become technologically literate, effectively communicate to build teams and to make a meaningful world order.